This is where you can see what's coming soon, what we're actively working on, and what we've completed recently.
Have ideas or feedback? Share them on our Discord community or through our contact page. Let's make something awesome together!
In Progress
DM reference sheet
futureA sheet with labeled minimap and room notes. Printable and exportable as PDF.
Initial Beta Release
in progressThe first public release of Dungeon Flow.
Display warning if dungeon settings are unmappable
futureWarn users if the chosen room settings can't fit in the current map size.
Improve labeling of new rooms
futureSo users don't buried under rooms labeled "New Room".
Save Dungeon support
futureSave the current dungeon to the user's account so they can continue editing later.
Improve variety in map layouts
futureUse alternative placement algorithms to create more varied dungeon layouts.
Allow choosing connection type
futureAllow users to choose between different connection types (e.g., corridors, portals, etc.).
High & low DPI PNG export
futureGive users the option to export in high DPI (best for print) or low DPI (best for VTTs) PNG format.
Undo & Redo
futureAllow users to undo and redo their actions so they don't accidentally lose something they care about.
Real circle and diamond rooms
futureSupport rooms that are actually circle/diamond shaped, not just a grid approximation.
Map style improvements
futureImprove the visual appeal of Dungeon Flow's default map style.
Additional map styles
futureAdd alternative map styles to choose from.
Integrated encounter generation
futureGenerate CR-appropriate encounters and place them in the dungeon.
Cave-style rooms and corridors
futureLet users act like cavemen. (Or fight them.)
In Progress
Initial Beta Release
in progressThe first public release of Dungeon Flow.
DM reference sheet
futureA sheet with labeled minimap and room notes. Printable and exportable as PDF.
Display warning if dungeon settings are unmappable
futureWarn users if the chosen room settings can't fit in the current map size.
Improve labeling of new rooms
futureSo users don't buried under rooms labeled "New Room".
Save Dungeon support
futureSave the current dungeon to the user's account so they can continue editing later.
Improve variety in map layouts
futureUse alternative placement algorithms to create more varied dungeon layouts.
Allow choosing connection type
futureAllow users to choose between different connection types (e.g., corridors, portals, etc.).
High & low DPI PNG export
futureGive users the option to export in high DPI (best for print) or low DPI (best for VTTs) PNG format.
Undo & Redo
futureAllow users to undo and redo their actions so they don't accidentally lose something they care about.
Real circle and diamond rooms
futureSupport rooms that are actually circle/diamond shaped, not just a grid approximation.
Map style improvements
futureImprove the visual appeal of Dungeon Flow's default map style.
Additional map styles
futureAdd alternative map styles to choose from.
Integrated encounter generation
futureGenerate CR-appropriate encounters and place them in the dungeon.
Cave-style rooms and corridors
futureLet users act like cavemen. (Or fight them.)